Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy Movements-Ready for a Clear Objective?

It is time for our movement of the 99% to represent a clear objective. Nothing will change for the better until we change our election process to ban the big money influence that owns the process and then clean house of their elected prostitutes. The first goal should be an amendment to our constitution to accomplish this objective. Without this fundamental change we will remain afflicted with this designed dysfunctional status quo that feeds the growing transnational plutocratic oligarchy at the expense of everyone else

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First Things First- Before We Can Achieve Real Political Change for the Better

First Things First- Before We Can Achieve Real Political Change for the Better and Effective Campaign Finance Reform

We will experience dysfunctional, mean spirited, partisan, special interest co-opted politics as long as we as a people remain so divided socio-economically in the individual thinking, beliefs, and feelings that motivate us. Until we as a people agree essentially on a similar level of responsibility and concern for one another we can not agree on what a government of our people must be responsible for doing and how. Working together we the people are an irresistible, irrepressible force. So divided as we seem to be today, the organized, powerful, and dedicated, wealthy, special interests will continue to play on our deep divisions to maintain their power to exploit us and others in the world. Change must begin at the grass roots level! The growing “Occupy” exercises in democracy are a very encouraging spark to make this happen. The attention they are receiving is resulting in recognition and understanding of the common enemy. We must all embrace their actions and become more involved and active ourselves. This can unite us. We need to be united to get the real needed changes.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Remind Wall Street it wins when Main Street wins!

This is important because the big special interests represented by Wall Street now almost completely own our political process and their political cronies are turning our country into a third world economy by dismantling our industrial base and shipping it offshore. We and the rest of the industrialized world were the market for their products. When we struggle their profits will suffer. Our success is their success. We need jobs that pay a living wage that can support a family to raise, house, and educate our children and ourselves.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Attendance at Glen Beck/Palin Washington Tea Party rally

Who knows how many attended out of personal conviction for real change in our government? The Tea Party has been co-opted and funded by the likes of the Koch Industries Koch Brothers who really want to undermine the true spirit of their movement. They and their like want to perpetuate the corrupt status quo, in mine and the opinion of many knowledgeable people. This corporatocracy spends billions on propaganda to divide us on emotional social issues to keep us hating and fighting each other to distract us from seeing them as the true enemy exploiting us whenwe need to be collectively organizing against them.  Beck and Palin are merely highly paid stooges for this corrupting exploiting corporatocracy, wittingly or unwittingly.

Our only hope for meaningful change is via campaign finance reform which means getting the current crop of prostitute stooges of the corporatocracy from both parties to vote to change a system where big special interest money buys politicians and legislation that enriches them and hurts tax paying working Americans. Only if we boycott their products and even take off from work long enough to deprive the government of payroll taxes which go back to these big multinationals corporations in major contracts for war material, etc will they suffer enough deprivation to lift the yoke of oppression we endure for their benefit. America has become a colonial empire the size of which is unparalleled in history. As all empires go it will crash and this one is gong to be a catastrophic crash when it goes if we don't make the needed changes now! Stop bickering and follow the money to see who is trying to run things their way. We need to get together in a truly grass roots movement to make the needed changes.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Military Industrial Complex- the grand daddy of all special interests

I doubt that Iran has or ever will have the capacity to wage a World War. What they can do is further threaten the stability of their region and threaten world oil supplies. Alternative energy is the key to marginalizing their capacity to s...pend on weaponry.

The US with its many years of intrusive exploitative foreign policy, which includes propping up right wing dictatorships like the Sha of Iran and SH in Iraq and highly arming an Israeli state in their midst, has added immensely to the backlash that is the so called terrorist movements coming from that part of the world. Every day that we remain in the ME as an interfering occupying presence is another day that inspires more so called terrorists to lash out against us.

Read John Perkins' Economic Hit Men books to understand how we operate and why we are hated and feared around the world! The best thing about being an American up to recently is that it prevented a US citizen from being a victim of US foreign policy.

The scariest religious group that exists today is not fanatical Islam, rather the Christian right that ever more dominates the US Military. They are fanatics with unmatched weaponry who are eager for the "end of times".

The military industrial complex basically runs our country and therefore pretty much calls all the shots. I doubt the President, whoever he may be and regardless of his party, cannot stand up against its will at the end of the day. Obama's security could not even prevent a couple of uninvited social climbers from attending one of his state dinners. I think this episode was a not so subtle message delivered very early on in his term! Just my honest opinion!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Emails to My Senators- Please copy and paste then send to yours!

Senator, (Shelby and Sessions-Alabama)

I am sorry that our political process has come to a point which leaves the country hostage to the transnational corporatocracy and their lobbyists which in too many cases are the main funding source needed for any candidate to get elected to public office to the exclusion of any candidate who wishes to honestly represent the best interests of all citizens, human and corporate, in a fair and balanced manner.

We often hear disingenuous talk from our political leaders about campaign finance reform but no meaningful reform ever happens. Both parties sell out the American people at every opportunity to enrich their corporate cronies in an effort to get and keep their hands on the huge corporate treasure that awaits them. They distract the American public from this real enemy of their interests, the greedy corporatists and their Republican and Democrat lackeys throughout government.

Our nations' citizens are finally catching on to the fact that they are not only NOT being represented in government, but that they are being tricked and exploited by the political shell game you all, Democrat and Republican corporate lackeys, play so well for the benefit of your corporate masters and yourselves.

I ask that you and all of your colleagues begin immediately to represent all your constituents fairly by enacting some real campaign finance reforms with sharp long teeth to exclude corporate money and lobbyist over-influence, especially now with the recent Citizens United Supreme Court decision that extends corporate rights beyond all sensible comprehension.

I realize that I am asking the foxes to guard the hen house but it is time for the foxes to wake up and realize that the poker game they have been running is over for everyone, including the winner, when one party wins all the money and that is just where we are headed at an increasingly break neck pace.

Alan Brezin, founder of ELCON

End Lobbyocracy Corporatocracy Over-Influence Now

Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Change the Social and Political Status Quo

We have a potent weapon: our dollars in tax money and for purchases of personal products and services. Don't patronize those you don't agree with and tell them why you aren't patronizing them. Tell the ones you do agree with that they are doing a good job and do business with them. Don't support representatives that take money from big corporations and then represent them if you disagree with their agenda and complain to your representatives about them getting tax dollars to trade with our government! Don't buy foreign when the goods are clearly dumped on our market and are produced by "slave labor". This clearly works!

Be consistent, rational, and fair in your activism using logic and common sense and refuse to be manipulated by hate mongering and emotional divisive bogus arguments. Don't blindly support "isms", especially don't accept one because the name sounds like something you identify with. It makes no sense to follow every aspect of an ideology. No ideology is perfect and complete. They are all devised by men and men make mistakes and cannot anticipate every contingency. Be open to any change that has wide moral currency and makes sense socially and economically!
