Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Change the Social and Political Status Quo

We have a potent weapon: our dollars in tax money and for purchases of personal products and services. Don't patronize those you don't agree with and tell them why you aren't patronizing them. Tell the ones you do agree with that they are doing a good job and do business with them. Don't support representatives that take money from big corporations and then represent them if you disagree with their agenda and complain to your representatives about them getting tax dollars to trade with our government! Don't buy foreign when the goods are clearly dumped on our market and are produced by "slave labor". This clearly works!

Be consistent, rational, and fair in your activism using logic and common sense and refuse to be manipulated by hate mongering and emotional divisive bogus arguments. Don't blindly support "isms", especially don't accept one because the name sounds like something you identify with. It makes no sense to follow every aspect of an ideology. No ideology is perfect and complete. They are all devised by men and men make mistakes and cannot anticipate every contingency. Be open to any change that has wide moral currency and makes sense socially and economically!


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