Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Emails to My Senators- Please copy and paste then send to yours!

Senator, (Shelby and Sessions-Alabama)

I am sorry that our political process has come to a point which leaves the country hostage to the transnational corporatocracy and their lobbyists which in too many cases are the main funding source needed for any candidate to get elected to public office to the exclusion of any candidate who wishes to honestly represent the best interests of all citizens, human and corporate, in a fair and balanced manner.

We often hear disingenuous talk from our political leaders about campaign finance reform but no meaningful reform ever happens. Both parties sell out the American people at every opportunity to enrich their corporate cronies in an effort to get and keep their hands on the huge corporate treasure that awaits them. They distract the American public from this real enemy of their interests, the greedy corporatists and their Republican and Democrat lackeys throughout government.

Our nations' citizens are finally catching on to the fact that they are not only NOT being represented in government, but that they are being tricked and exploited by the political shell game you all, Democrat and Republican corporate lackeys, play so well for the benefit of your corporate masters and yourselves.

I ask that you and all of your colleagues begin immediately to represent all your constituents fairly by enacting some real campaign finance reforms with sharp long teeth to exclude corporate money and lobbyist over-influence, especially now with the recent Citizens United Supreme Court decision that extends corporate rights beyond all sensible comprehension.

I realize that I am asking the foxes to guard the hen house but it is time for the foxes to wake up and realize that the poker game they have been running is over for everyone, including the winner, when one party wins all the money and that is just where we are headed at an increasingly break neck pace.

Alan Brezin, founder of ELCON

End Lobbyocracy Corporatocracy Over-Influence Now

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