Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Military Industrial Complex- the grand daddy of all special interests

I doubt that Iran has or ever will have the capacity to wage a World War. What they can do is further threaten the stability of their region and threaten world oil supplies. Alternative energy is the key to marginalizing their capacity to s...pend on weaponry.

The US with its many years of intrusive exploitative foreign policy, which includes propping up right wing dictatorships like the Sha of Iran and SH in Iraq and highly arming an Israeli state in their midst, has added immensely to the backlash that is the so called terrorist movements coming from that part of the world. Every day that we remain in the ME as an interfering occupying presence is another day that inspires more so called terrorists to lash out against us.

Read John Perkins' Economic Hit Men books to understand how we operate and why we are hated and feared around the world! The best thing about being an American up to recently is that it prevented a US citizen from being a victim of US foreign policy.

The scariest religious group that exists today is not fanatical Islam, rather the Christian right that ever more dominates the US Military. They are fanatics with unmatched weaponry who are eager for the "end of times".

The military industrial complex basically runs our country and therefore pretty much calls all the shots. I doubt the President, whoever he may be and regardless of his party, cannot stand up against its will at the end of the day. Obama's security could not even prevent a couple of uninvited social climbers from attending one of his state dinners. I think this episode was a not so subtle message delivered very early on in his term! Just my honest opinion!

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