Monday, November 2, 2009

The Cancer Industry Lobby

I have an elderly neighbor who is close to dying of metastatic lung cancer. He is still a very bright guy with a desire to live for his large loved and loving family of children and grandchildren.

Robert has been through the traditional cancer treatment route but has now chosen to die in dignity through hospice care. He discontinued chemo and radiation because he knew they would only make him feel sicker while wasting money. He knew they would offer a minute chance of even prolonging his life. Many of us will find ourselves in this predicament and have to make this difficult choice for ourselves or with and for our loved ones.

Despite the high tech expensive approved medical treatments and cooked statictics cancer cure rates have not improved over the years. Some early detection advances will improve the odds if you catch some cancers before they spread but most are not caught in time. Once they spread little can be done to effect a true cure.

The FDA medically approved treatments are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. They all hinge upon rooting out and killing all cancer cells, billions of them that could be hiding throughout the body, and most therapies require poisoniong the entire body to accomplish this. This leaves the patient with poisoning, secondary illnesses from resulting immunosuppression, disfigurement, other cancers secondary to the cancerous drugs used, but with no reliable cure which is defined as 5 years without evidence of recurrence. Therfore, for statistical purposes, removing a local minor basal skin cancer is considered a cure as is a patient living for 5 years after treatment, even if they die of their cancer at 5 years and one day. This is what props up the multi-billion dollar cancer treatment industry of oncology doctors, pharmaceutical makers of everything from chemo to anti-nausea medicines, high tech equipment makers and suppliers, treatment facilities, etc..

There are currently many alternative, many using natural non-toxic treatments under review and use by respected medical scientists that will never see the US market under the current political-medical paradigm because they are too natural to be patented. Therefore they won't have the big money applied to research them for official FDA approval. Of course they threaten the profitable status quo. Our government through the FDA actively stands in the way of their use in this country to protect the medical industry for whom they invariably carry water. People are suffering and dying and going broke paying for ineffective treatments that have never worked but are accepted by the FDA because of the system and to protect an entrnched medical industry while many promising, more natural, proven less toxic treatments are offically suppressed.

Obviously we need to put and end to this for our own well being. The government which is supposed to be working on ways to save money on healthcare, rather than suppressing these promising therapies, could fund the research on these promising new approaches so that they could approve them. Industry will not invest in anything it can't patent no matter how effective it is! They only gain by suppressing such therapies and the FDA is their accomplice.

If we are successful perhaps my neighbor, Robert, and thousands of neighbors, friends and family across our nation who have cancer or may one day soon face cancer might soon have accessible affordable cancer therapies that are less invasive, less toxic, and more effective while saving individuals and our nation billions on expensive useless therapies that are today's norm.

This is one more reason why we have to organize at the grass roots level to effect a big change in the way our government does business. Please follow this blog, comment, join and support ELON! Just my honest opinion!- alan

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