Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First Things First- Before We Can Achieve Real Political Change for the Better

First Things First- Before We Can Achieve Real Political Change for the Better and Effective Campaign Finance Reform

We will experience dysfunctional, mean spirited, partisan, special interest co-opted politics as long as we as a people remain so divided socio-economically in the individual thinking, beliefs, and feelings that motivate us. Until we as a people agree essentially on a similar level of responsibility and concern for one another we can not agree on what a government of our people must be responsible for doing and how. Working together we the people are an irresistible, irrepressible force. So divided as we seem to be today, the organized, powerful, and dedicated, wealthy, special interests will continue to play on our deep divisions to maintain their power to exploit us and others in the world. Change must begin at the grass roots level! The growing “Occupy” exercises in democracy are a very encouraging spark to make this happen. The attention they are receiving is resulting in recognition and understanding of the common enemy. We must all embrace their actions and become more involved and active ourselves. This can unite us. We need to be united to get the real needed changes.

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