Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Change the Social and Political Status Quo

We have a potent weapon: our dollars in tax money and for purchases of personal products and services. Don't patronize those you don't agree with and tell them why you aren't patronizing them. Tell the ones you do agree with that they are doing a good job and do business with them. Don't support representatives that take money from big corporations and then represent them if you disagree with their agenda and complain to your representatives about them getting tax dollars to trade with our government! Don't buy foreign when the goods are clearly dumped on our market and are produced by "slave labor". This clearly works!

Be consistent, rational, and fair in your activism using logic and common sense and refuse to be manipulated by hate mongering and emotional divisive bogus arguments. Don't blindly support "isms", especially don't accept one because the name sounds like something you identify with. It makes no sense to follow every aspect of an ideology. No ideology is perfect and complete. They are all devised by men and men make mistakes and cannot anticipate every contingency. Be open to any change that has wide moral currency and makes sense socially and economically!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please read John Perkins, EHM, newest book: Hoodwinked

Here is a synopsis by the author in a newsletter on his website:

November 10th – Newsletter
Dear friends,
Random House asked me to write HOODWINKED, a book that delves into the deep-seated causes of the current economic meltdown — and also provides workable solutions.
HOODWINKED is available TODAY in bookstores everywhere.
It is by far the most important book I have written.
I am so grateful for your continued support of my work. You can purchase HOODWINKED at your favorite bookstore, online vendor, and we even have a purchase link you can use that benefits DreamChange – , the non-profit I founded and continue to work with.
Also: Please forward this e-newsletter out to friends and please join me on Twitter @economic_hitman.
HOODWINKED provides the facts – and many personal stories from economic hit men, jackals, business execs, politicians, and educators – behind the following Eight Key points:
1. The US – in fact the world – has been stolen by the very wealthy and powerful, the corporatocracy.
2. This has created a failed system – unsustainable, unjust, unstable, dangerous.
3. The cause is a mutant, viral form of capitalism – what I call “Predatory Capitalism” that began with President Reagan and the philosophy that a) the only goal of business is to make profits, b) corporations should not be regulated, and c) every major economic sector should be privatized. This virus has spread with each subsequent administration.
4. 9/11 was a shock used by the Bush administration to boost this mutant form of capitalism to unprecedented new levels: privatize the military (and introduce privatized Homeland Security); further deregulate financial institutions; radically increase military budgets; and encourage shopping and excessive materialism.
5. The 9/11 shock distracted us from the crises we really need to fear: climate change, resources diminishing at accelerating rates, increasing prices for fuel, foods, and other essentials, violence that results from exploited people living desperate, starving lives, overpopulation, general environmental and social degradation. For the first time in history, every human being – every life form – is confronted by these same crises.
6. Countries and presidents have lost power. Corporations gained the power. World geopolitics may be represented by huge clouds (the multinational companies) drifting around the planet; they know no borders and obey no specific sets of laws.
7. The good news: we control corporations. The market place is democratic. The way out is for us the people to support companies that are committed to a sustainable, just, peaceful world; to institute regulations that codify this; to recognize as heroes men and women who are dedicated to creating a world our children and their brothers and sisters around the planet will want to inherit — in essence to rid ourselves of the mutant virus and create a new type of capitalism.
8. We are all in this together and we are all communicating with each other. The Internet and cell phones offer opportunities to unite us like never before in the human experience.
I am encouraged by grassroots movements across this planet (described in HOODWINKED) and by the commitment of students on campuses in the US and throughout the world. Please read HOODWINKED, share it with your friends, and let’s together create a sustainable, just, and peaceful world.
I hope too that I will see you at one of the upcoming book signings – please see the link for schedule on this website.
John Perkins

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is Simple Cost Benefit Analysis Too Difficult for Our Government?

Does anyone in Washington, DC understand the concept of using cost benefit analysis to determine what the best use of our tax money is?

For example is spending trillions to fight wars supposedly aimed at neutralizing maybe a few hundred fanatical terrorist criminals with no actual country affiliation, who once killed 3,000 Americans in a terrorist attack who might be able to repeat such an attack someday, a higher priority than spending the same money on providing health care and other vital social services to those in true need thereby saving hundreds of thousands of lives and improving the lot of millions more suffering illness as a result of being uninsured or under insured?

Looking at the numbers the answer is rather obvious but Washington doesn't get from point A to point B in a straight line. It zig zags all over the place so many special interested parties with too much influence over politics can make more money and gain more power. They do this by creating a bunch of irrelevant arguments between our emotional citizenry aided by their vociferous pundits playing on our fears and prejudices based on inflexible ideologies to distract the citizenry from the simple solutions.

This country is rich but we piss money away stupidly by the hundreds of billions every year on maintaining troops over seas in places like Japan and Germany etc and on offensive and defensive weaponry that will never escape the warehouse, We continue to do this while our infrastructure rots and social problems right here go unattended! So citizenry, keep arguing over political, religious and social ideological differences like the special interest minions want you to do while they rob us of all our money and say about issues and in about ten years look back and see how much worse the situation has become except for the few corporate giants who have gained more wealth and power over the rest of us poor slobs!

We need serious campaign financing election reforms and restrictions on lobbyocracy influence before this government can reform anything in a rational manner and before it can function in the best interest of our citizenry in any way that resembles what the framers of our unbelievably farsighted and wisely conceived constitution intended.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Cancer Industry Lobby

I have an elderly neighbor who is close to dying of metastatic lung cancer. He is still a very bright guy with a desire to live for his large loved and loving family of children and grandchildren.

Robert has been through the traditional cancer treatment route but has now chosen to die in dignity through hospice care. He discontinued chemo and radiation because he knew they would only make him feel sicker while wasting money. He knew they would offer a minute chance of even prolonging his life. Many of us will find ourselves in this predicament and have to make this difficult choice for ourselves or with and for our loved ones.

Despite the high tech expensive approved medical treatments and cooked statictics cancer cure rates have not improved over the years. Some early detection advances will improve the odds if you catch some cancers before they spread but most are not caught in time. Once they spread little can be done to effect a true cure.

The FDA medically approved treatments are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. They all hinge upon rooting out and killing all cancer cells, billions of them that could be hiding throughout the body, and most therapies require poisoniong the entire body to accomplish this. This leaves the patient with poisoning, secondary illnesses from resulting immunosuppression, disfigurement, other cancers secondary to the cancerous drugs used, but with no reliable cure which is defined as 5 years without evidence of recurrence. Therfore, for statistical purposes, removing a local minor basal skin cancer is considered a cure as is a patient living for 5 years after treatment, even if they die of their cancer at 5 years and one day. This is what props up the multi-billion dollar cancer treatment industry of oncology doctors, pharmaceutical makers of everything from chemo to anti-nausea medicines, high tech equipment makers and suppliers, treatment facilities, etc..

There are currently many alternative, many using natural non-toxic treatments under review and use by respected medical scientists that will never see the US market under the current political-medical paradigm because they are too natural to be patented. Therefore they won't have the big money applied to research them for official FDA approval. Of course they threaten the profitable status quo. Our government through the FDA actively stands in the way of their use in this country to protect the medical industry for whom they invariably carry water. People are suffering and dying and going broke paying for ineffective treatments that have never worked but are accepted by the FDA because of the system and to protect an entrnched medical industry while many promising, more natural, proven less toxic treatments are offically suppressed.

Obviously we need to put and end to this for our own well being. The government which is supposed to be working on ways to save money on healthcare, rather than suppressing these promising therapies, could fund the research on these promising new approaches so that they could approve them. Industry will not invest in anything it can't patent no matter how effective it is! They only gain by suppressing such therapies and the FDA is their accomplice.

If we are successful perhaps my neighbor, Robert, and thousands of neighbors, friends and family across our nation who have cancer or may one day soon face cancer might soon have accessible affordable cancer therapies that are less invasive, less toxic, and more effective while saving individuals and our nation billions on expensive useless therapies that are today's norm.

This is one more reason why we have to organize at the grass roots level to effect a big change in the way our government does business. Please follow this blog, comment, join and support ELON! Just my honest opinion!- alan

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What We Need to Accomplish and What You Can Do

Within the constitution of the United States we need to return power of government to all the people and reduce the influence of special interest groups so they can't legislate through their political stooges what is best only for them. The irony is this current corrupt system of patronage and undue influence over our political leaders has weakend our country to the point of being destructive to virtually every party, citizen, and players' interests.

EPLIN seeks to find ways to empower people to make better choices in their leaders bringing to light the information needed to choose leaders that will represent everybody's interest fairly. EPLIN seeks to organize voters to react and proact against influence peddling and political corruption through their own political activism in a non partisan platform. EPLIN seeks to help provide facts about where the big money is being used to push back room deals for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many and at the expense of the health of our democracy. EPLIN needs resources to research and bring to light political influence peddling to inform and organize the public to take action for more responsive government.

You can join EPLIN with a small membership fee that will help spread its goal of an influence peddling free better government for the people. You can donate money to help fund EPLIN research to expose special interest influence peddling and corruption of our political leaders. EPLIN can be there as a vital resource to organize us into a grass roots major voting and economic block to make our needs known and duely considered by our political represntatives. We can do this as a team to wrest our democracy out of the strangle hold of the big money special interest lobbyocracy to reform our government and save our downward spiraling country.

I will be setting up a non-profit organization structure and trust account for your needed donations. As much of the money as possible will go towards EPLIN objectives with my pledge to keep administrative costs as low as possible and there will be a detailed quarterly accounting of EPLIN's activities and how much was spent on them. It is my hope that we will grow quickly and eventually organize into state and local chapters for the purpose of monitoring political activities at those levels also.

Our growth and our mission is in our hands which I think is what the framers of our country and constitution had in mind. This is what our country use to pride itself on as a beacon of democracy. Let's organize to restore the ideals of democracy to common practice! If you agree please join in and participate, if only to pass on this information.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Your Most Powerful Political Tool...

Everyone knows that money makes the world go round. I think we also realize that the golden rule usually means the ones with the gold make the rules. Isn't that why our government of bought and paid for politicians on both sides of the aisle answer primarily to those with the money who buy their political souls and finance their incredibly expensive political campaigns? Isn't this why our government for so, so long now serves the big money special interests over the average citizen?

We can't really influence our political leaders and representatives until we influence those who really own their souls, the big money special interests. How do we do that? We must organize at the grass roots level to use our power of the economic boycott to get them to let loose of the political system. Then we need to insist on changes that restore power to the people as promised in our constitution.

This can only be accomplished by ending all private financing of political campaigns. No other groups may spend money to campaign on behalf of a candidate. All future candidates must use public funds to operate and finance their campaigns. To run for public office a candidate must meet basic qualifications of education, training, character, and experience appropriate for that office in a civil service process. Final hiring for the office will then be determined by public referendum. Office holders may be removed by public vote of no confidence periodically or by public recall referendum anytime enough signatures can be obtained by public petition.

How do we get these changes made by the current leaders in government? How do we get them to institute new laws that will be perceived by them to be clearly against their self interest and the interests of those special interests who own them?

The answer simply is with the boycott power of our withheld dollars at their emptying cash registers. We, the consuming public, empower these large business special interests to walk all over our rights, to userp our democratic input in making public policy and they do this with our patronage dollars.

If they don't let go of our democracy with their undue influence our country will continue to decline into a two class society of haves and have-nots with even less of the dwindling middle class as we all observe today. Then we may no longer have enough economic clout to influence these changes that will save our once great society. Ironically in the long run it will help the short sighted greedy special big money interests if we thrive and can be affluent consumers again.

I believe if we are to have any meaningful influence over our democracy we must organize to demand these changes. With the power of the internet we can start a landslide grass roots movement. Together we can flood our representatives with our demands for a true voice and true representation through these changes. Together we can easily succeed. We cannot let them divide and confuse us with their big money propaganda machine using our partisan biases and our primal fears and other prejudices as they always do to paralyze us while they steal the entire house from us and continue to give it to their special greedy friends.

Any changes and reforms under discussion in Congress place currently will no doubt end up benefiting those interests that are crying out the loudest against the reforms under discussion. For this reason, as much as I am for healthcare system and healthcare insurance reform, I believe nothing constructive for us citizens can really happen until we are back in control through this first and most basic reform, taking power away from the lobbyocracy.

Please help our movement that is your movement as an American citizen. Participate and join in.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and let's get our political system responsive to "we the people" once again,
