Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What We Need to Accomplish and What You Can Do

Within the constitution of the United States we need to return power of government to all the people and reduce the influence of special interest groups so they can't legislate through their political stooges what is best only for them. The irony is this current corrupt system of patronage and undue influence over our political leaders has weakend our country to the point of being destructive to virtually every party, citizen, and players' interests.

EPLIN seeks to find ways to empower people to make better choices in their leaders bringing to light the information needed to choose leaders that will represent everybody's interest fairly. EPLIN seeks to organize voters to react and proact against influence peddling and political corruption through their own political activism in a non partisan platform. EPLIN seeks to help provide facts about where the big money is being used to push back room deals for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many and at the expense of the health of our democracy. EPLIN needs resources to research and bring to light political influence peddling to inform and organize the public to take action for more responsive government.

You can join EPLIN with a small membership fee that will help spread its goal of an influence peddling free better government for the people. You can donate money to help fund EPLIN research to expose special interest influence peddling and corruption of our political leaders. EPLIN can be there as a vital resource to organize us into a grass roots major voting and economic block to make our needs known and duely considered by our political represntatives. We can do this as a team to wrest our democracy out of the strangle hold of the big money special interest lobbyocracy to reform our government and save our downward spiraling country.

I will be setting up a non-profit organization structure and trust account for your needed donations. As much of the money as possible will go towards EPLIN objectives with my pledge to keep administrative costs as low as possible and there will be a detailed quarterly accounting of EPLIN's activities and how much was spent on them. It is my hope that we will grow quickly and eventually organize into state and local chapters for the purpose of monitoring political activities at those levels also.

Our growth and our mission is in our hands which I think is what the framers of our country and constitution had in mind. This is what our country use to pride itself on as a beacon of democracy. Let's organize to restore the ideals of democracy to common practice! If you agree please join in and participate, if only to pass on this information.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Your Most Powerful Political Tool...

Everyone knows that money makes the world go round. I think we also realize that the golden rule usually means the ones with the gold make the rules. Isn't that why our government of bought and paid for politicians on both sides of the aisle answer primarily to those with the money who buy their political souls and finance their incredibly expensive political campaigns? Isn't this why our government for so, so long now serves the big money special interests over the average citizen?

We can't really influence our political leaders and representatives until we influence those who really own their souls, the big money special interests. How do we do that? We must organize at the grass roots level to use our power of the economic boycott to get them to let loose of the political system. Then we need to insist on changes that restore power to the people as promised in our constitution.

This can only be accomplished by ending all private financing of political campaigns. No other groups may spend money to campaign on behalf of a candidate. All future candidates must use public funds to operate and finance their campaigns. To run for public office a candidate must meet basic qualifications of education, training, character, and experience appropriate for that office in a civil service process. Final hiring for the office will then be determined by public referendum. Office holders may be removed by public vote of no confidence periodically or by public recall referendum anytime enough signatures can be obtained by public petition.

How do we get these changes made by the current leaders in government? How do we get them to institute new laws that will be perceived by them to be clearly against their self interest and the interests of those special interests who own them?

The answer simply is with the boycott power of our withheld dollars at their emptying cash registers. We, the consuming public, empower these large business special interests to walk all over our rights, to userp our democratic input in making public policy and they do this with our patronage dollars.

If they don't let go of our democracy with their undue influence our country will continue to decline into a two class society of haves and have-nots with even less of the dwindling middle class as we all observe today. Then we may no longer have enough economic clout to influence these changes that will save our once great society. Ironically in the long run it will help the short sighted greedy special big money interests if we thrive and can be affluent consumers again.

I believe if we are to have any meaningful influence over our democracy we must organize to demand these changes. With the power of the internet we can start a landslide grass roots movement. Together we can flood our representatives with our demands for a true voice and true representation through these changes. Together we can easily succeed. We cannot let them divide and confuse us with their big money propaganda machine using our partisan biases and our primal fears and other prejudices as they always do to paralyze us while they steal the entire house from us and continue to give it to their special greedy friends.

Any changes and reforms under discussion in Congress place currently will no doubt end up benefiting those interests that are crying out the loudest against the reforms under discussion. For this reason, as much as I am for healthcare system and healthcare insurance reform, I believe nothing constructive for us citizens can really happen until we are back in control through this first and most basic reform, taking power away from the lobbyocracy.

Please help our movement that is your movement as an American citizen. Participate and join in.
email: alan.brezin@gmail.com

Thank you for taking the time to read this and let's get our political system responsive to "we the people" once again,
